Rusty’s log: Stardate: -299633.37 Perth Ontario : temp 14 C humidity 89% Basic Kneads: temp 28 C humidity 58% A cold and rainy day is August, no better day to invest in the future. But first, a big Basic Kneads welcome to Michael, our very first employee! Michael comes to us from Ghana, where bread is baked fresh using white flour with very little crunch to its crust. It is called Tea Bread and Yoshi and I look forward to learning to bake it for him and his family. Michael is learning the ropes of the bakery and picking up the rhythm of our days quite quickly. He is providing much needed help in our long evening mixing process and seems to have an endless supply of energy and enthusiasm. We are very glad to have him on the team. Another team member has joined us today (that’s the investment I referred to). Today, Michael, Yoshi and I , along with help from a our new friend Brett and his truck and trailer, hit the road and headed to Westport to meet up with Hans and Ann...